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Synchronized Layers

Various Artists

Ucker Records
UCKER017 | 2023-06-12  
Synchronized Layers is a various artist compilation created by some of the most exquisite and interesting masterminds around the global techno scene. Ten diverse tracks that work perfectly together, and we proudly present.

Rando by Ricardo Garduno is a hard hitter. The main ingredient is a super fat kick bass, accompanied by a severe noisy pad and a crazy main synth.

Pyramidal Decode's Tangent is a first class hypnotic piece. The principal loop develops from start, blending with many layers, lfo everywhere, noise and sharp hi-end elements.

Step of the Necessary by Michel Lauriola has a very obscure tone in the low end section, an old school vibe, full of strength and a raving main synth. Cymbals and Hi Hats are also distinctive in this composition.

Lakej's Verified Trust is generated by two main bass lines, a perfectly timed pad, a bit of grind and noise. Designed to smash the dance floor.

Prodigio by Kolpos sounds magnetic. It's opaque main synth is surrounded by short hats, filters and processors. Everything works smoothly together. Perfect sound design.

Joton's From a Spark to a Flame is heavy on the bass kick combo. Straight forward 4x4 beat that has smashing power, Ideal for a big room PA.

Brainscan by Jorg Rodriguez is clean, strong and mesmerizing. It's main bass line is outstanding, raw and powerful throughout the whole piece.

JLTZ's Inside the Mineshaft is driven by a roaring bass line that is always present with small variations. Dirty broken hats and a noisy pad are characteristic in this tune.

Corev by Fixeer is trully spellbinding. A rave bass line, the loopy main synth, noise and cymbals are combined with expertise. A significant piece of art.

Histeria by Drop-E has shamanic and mantric energy from the start, a spectacular deep techno theme to dive into emotions.

We hope you enjoy this release as much as we do!
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